VVM's sister project SET Level concludes with final presentation
As part of the Pegasus-Family, the project SetLevel delivers important results concerning procedures and toolchains for simulation-based development and testing. Those results also play an important role for VV Methods. SET Level now reaches the finish line and will present the results in its final presentation.
For the operation of automated vehicles on open roads a wide span of development and testing procedures is required in order to master the high complexity of almost infinitive traffic situations as well as on mastering the according type approval and homologation procedures. Testing all these scenarios on roads and proving grounds is beyond the scope of any current certification process. "Only with powerful simulation-based tools and methods which can be used during development and the certification process can automated vehicles be safely brought onto the road and into use," explains DLR's Frank Köster, one of the SET Level project's coordinators. "Simulations are an important addition to existing techniques, such as test stands and test fields." This is one reason why the VV Methods and SET Level projects are jointly working on methods and toolchains for a complete safety assurance methodology and V&V toolchain based on scenario driven approaches.
While the SET Level project focuses on the development of open and scalable simulation-based engineering tasks and a complete simulation framework for automated driving functions the allied VV Methods project develops an overall safety assurance argumentation including architecture, methodologies for test development and an evidence based verification and validation methodology. Both projects are proceeding and enhancing the PEGASUS method as already published in early 2019.
With the SET Level final event at BMWs premises on October 10th and 11th 2022 a milestone for both projects is reached with importantresults that may have a strong impact on the simulation and verification methodologies used in Germany and abroad. In time with the latest legal conditions published by Germany and European commission, allowing each OEM to deliver 1.500 automated vehicles per year on German public roads, a new spark is born stimulating the scientific and industrial work for an overall safety assurance argumentation as aimed by the PEGASUS Family.
In order to transfer those results into the ongoing work of VVMethods a joint session between both projects will take place in Munich on Octobre 11th called “Process Framework and Tool Support”. Enhancing the SET Level result presentations Roland Galbas (Bosch) and Christian Neurohr (DLR) will show how the relationship between SET Level and VV Methods is organized. With the presentation “Application of SET Level results in the VVMethods Project” Roland Galbas will show “how the SET Level simulation framework fits into the VV Methods safety assurance framework and how the industry will benefit from this going forward.” The VV Methods final event is currently planned for late 2023.
You can register for the SET Level final event here: https://setlevel.de/en/news/invitation-to-final-presentation
The event is free of charge and is planned as a virtual/hybrid conference.
Image: Unsplash / Headway