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Final Event 21./22.11.2023 | Stuttgart

In the joint project Verification and Validation Methods (VVM), 21 partners from the German automotive industry have come together to develop the world's first structures for the verification of safety standards for automated vehicles in urban environments. Four years after the start of the research project, the results are now available. The pre-competitive research project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and initiated by the VDA flagship initiative for autonomous and connected driving, provided detailed insights into the findings and work results during the final presentation on November 21 and 22, 2023. read more

Final Event 21./22.11.2023 | Stuttgart | save-the-date

On November 21st and 22nd we will present the results of the work done during the last four years in presentations, exhibitions and demonstrations in Stuttgart. Save the date today! The event is planned as on-site event, parts of the event will also be virtually accessible. read more

VVM's sister project SET Level concludes with final presentation

As part of the Pegasus-Family, the project SetLevel delivers important results concerning procedures and toolchains for simulation-based development and testing. Those results also play an important role for VV Methods. SET Level now reaches the finish line and will present the results in its final presentation. read more

Two methods from VVM presented in publications

To safeguard autonomous driving systems, it is necessary to know the operational environment - also referred to as the operational domain in the VVM project - in detail and to be able to analyze it. To this end, two new methods were developed in the project that address the stakeholder concerns with regard to the behavior of an automated vehicle in the operational domain. Two new publications in the project now present these methods. read more

VVM’s first results presented at the mid-term presentation

On 15 and 16 March, the VVM project partners presented their first results and methods at the virtual mid-term presentation. The two-day event offered the approximately 760 spectators deep insights into the work around verification and validation of autonomous driving systems in numerous presentations and an associated virtual exhibition. read more

The way to data acquisition

Data acquisition plays an important role in the VVM project. It was started at the beginning of this year and will be continued in the coming weeks and months. This is another important step in the progress of the project. read more


On 10 February 2022 another edition of the PEGASUS expert workshop series was conducted merging 100 participants from 13 different countries. This PEW#8 was dedicated to common understandings on a formalized safety case architecture. read more

Invitation: VVM Mid-term presentation

On March 15 and 16, the VVM mid-term presentation will take place as a virtual event. read more

Three VVM publications on International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

From Sunday, 19th September, to the 22nd September, the 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2021) will be held in Indianapolis as a hybrid event. As the annual flagship conference of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, it focuses on presenting new developments in theory, simulation and modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies in the field of Intelligent Transportation. read more

On tour on the ITS World Congress: Session co-hosted by VVM and SET Level

The session „Tools and methods for validation and deployment of automated driving“ will focus on the topic, how real world traffic scenarios and testing methodologies as well as automated driving functions can be shifted into virtual testing procedures and environments. To reach this goal, among others, an assessable safety argumentation and a common understanding of scenario descriptions are necessary. In this context, the session on the ITS World Congress will be held by international speakers, who will give insights into their work on tools and concepts for verification and validation of automated vehicle functionalities. read more

VVM test vehicle presented at Tech.AD Europe

With the completion and presentation of the VVM test vehicle, another important step in the project has been accomplished. At the beginning of July, the vehicle was presented at the Tech.AD Europe in Berlin. read more

Sister projects of the KI Familie at joint BMWi and VDA event

The digital transformation is fundamentally changing the automotive industry. In the global race for the lead in the mobility of tomorrow, competition has become greater and more diverse, thanks to the big data companies. How can Germany secure its industrial leadership in this competitive environment? How have the companies positioned themselves for the transition? read more

VVM at the 4. German-Japanese Expert Workshop

VVM coordinator Mark Schiementz (BMW) will represent the project and the PEGASUS project family at the fourth bilateral expert workshop on German-Japanese research cooperation in automated and networked driving taking place on 25 November 2020. read more

PEGASUS EXPERT WORKSHOP #7 “Automated Driving – Building a robust Safety Case”

The 7. Pegasus Expert Workshop on “Automated Driving – Building a robust Safety Case” takes place as a virtual online event on September 23. read more

VVM project and next development steps for safety validation will be presented on EUCAD Webinar

"What is the current status and what challenges exist in the safety validation of automation technology?” is the topic of the second webinar of the EUCAD2020 that will take place on September 08, 2020. read more

VVM will be presented at the Automated Vehicle Symposium 2020 (AVS)

VVM coordinator Roland Galbas (Bosch) will present the VVM project at the online Automated Vehicle Symposium 2020 (AVS) as part of the session "Safety Assurance of Automated Driving". read more

VVM experts participate in European Workshop on testing methodologies

The European research project HEADSTART (Harmonised European Solutions for Testing Automated Road Transport) has organized a virtual expert workshop on testing methodologies on May 8, 2020. read more

Pegasus Family and VVM meet with NHTSA

Representatives of the Pegasus Family and VVM will meet and exchange views with representatives of the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on the possibilities of coordinating national standardization initiatives in the future. read more

Pegasus Family meets METI

Coordinators Roland Galbas (Bosch) and Mark Schiementz (BMW) will represent VVM in a strategic meeting on February 20, 2020 in Braunschweig between members of the Pegasus Family and the Japanese Ministry of Education, Trade and Industry (METI). read more

Kick-Off Meeting

The research project VVM – Verification and Validation Methods for Automated Vehicles Level 4 and 5 – has officially started its work on 11 and 12 July 2019 with a kick-off event in Renningen. read more