Kick-Off Meeting
The research project VVM – Verification and Validation Methods for Automated Vehicles Level 4 and 5 – has officially started its work on 11 and 12 July 2019 with a kick-off event in Renningen.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy and led by the two consortium leaders Robert Bosch GmbH and BMW Group, 23 renowned partners from industry and research are developing legally compliant as well as time and cost-efficient verification and validation methods in a joint research project with a duration of four years. All partners met on July 11 and 12, 2019, at the Bosch Research Campus in Renningen for the kick-off event of the project.
The two-day event provided important impulses for future collaboration in the project and offered an opportunity for the partners and involved colleagues to get to know each other and to exchange ideas. The second day of the event in particular was characterized by parallel workshop sessions for the organization and initial work planning of the sub-projects for the first months of the project.